My Kind Of Anti-Drug Training

I was reading an article from one of my favorite websites today. Apparently a professional photographer caught on film some junkies shooting up IN THE MIDDLE OF A PARK IN BOSTON. At first I was like, what the fuck is wrong with these people. Which is often my first thought when I see anyone doing anything related to drugs, smoking or drinking. As I read on I became more and more delighted. Apparently one of the junkies, while shooting up in broad daylight with “families walking on both sides of them” overdosed and died. What a great lesson for all the little kids in the area to see. You can talk at them until they are blue in the face but actually seeing a drug addict die in person. Now that’s something that will stick with you!

They should change the DARE program to follow this mold. From now on just bring a back alley junkie into the classroom off all the 3rd graders in the US and shoot him up with enough heroin to take down a horse. As the man dies foaming at the mouth the kids will all be horrified enough to stay the fuck off drugs. Those deviant fucks who don’t quite get the point will grow up to be the next generation of junkies that you can use as sacrificial lambs. It works out perfectly! As an added twist, if you really want to scare the kids, you can put the junkies in a cage and overdose them on PCP. The kids can watch the junkie go crazy and kill themselves on the bars of the cage in a psychotic rage.

This article also hints that Massachusetts has recently cut the substance abuse budget. To this I say GOOD!!! We shouldn’t be spending our fucking tax money on these fucking losers. Let them all go to a park and overdose. Once they are dead THERE IS NO MORE PROBLEM. Same for the homeless and the mentally ill (often the same group). I’ll let all you fuckers know my views on that some other time.

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