Fuck You Too, Bloggers!

Well, after being down for quite a few months because my ranting partner is a lazy bastard, we are now setup for the moment here at blogger.com. Just thinking about this makes me cringe. I don't know much about blogger.com, but I will pretend (for the sake of this rant) that I do. I am going to assume that this is a substantially large website that hosts possibly millions of blog posts by probably thousands of mindless drones who think that I (and everyone else on earth) give a shit about what they have to say. These people pollute the internet with their spewing verbal sewage on a regular basis. The fact that I am now lumped in with these mindless offspring of mindless retards will probably one day give me an aneurism.

For now I will handle it by writing somewhat ironic "rants" about the situation.

I don't understand why blogging is so big. I swear to god there has got to be more blog writers these days then blog readers. And unless every writer is reading like a thousand blogs on a daily basis, like some giant blogging, incestuous orgy, then there is no way any of the shit matters. What is the point of keeping up some stupid daily diary of your pathetic life. Is some dipshit gonna be going to it everyday and saying, let's see what mood Sarah is in today so that I can shape my life around it. Does anyone decide what album to buy next based on some emo blogger's current song selection. I sure as fuck hope not.

So when are all these idiots gonna realize that it's pointless to have a blog. I want there to be about 1/1000th the amount of blogs, maybe that way when I come across one I'll figure it must be of at least SOME value and pay it two seconds of my time (which really, is more then any one blog deserves). And don't bother pointing out the irony of me posting all this on a blog. Because I swear to god if the next nine words out of your mouth are "but you're doing the same thing you're complaining about" then the following ten words will be "oh god, oh god you kicked me in the balls."

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